What is Co-Manged IT?

Co-Managed IT is a collaborative service that combines your in-house IT team with a trusted MSP (Managed Service Provider). You retain the flexibility to keep your on-site staff while avoiding the pressure to hire more personnel.

Our co-managed IT service enhances your team's capabilities by handling tasks outside their expertise. The primary aim is to empower your staff to excel in their core responsibilities.

Experience the benefits of co-managed IT, including time and cost savings, reduced stress, and improved service quality. By enabling your IT staff to focus on their strengths, you'll enjoy enhanced customer service, a well-maintained IT infrastructure, and minimized employee downtime.

Monitoring, Management, Reporting of Infrastructure, Hardware & Security Threats

Configuration, Management, Monitoring & Reporting of Cloud Services

Enhanced 24/7 Security Services

Staff Augmentation


What Co-Managed IT is not.

Co-managed IT is not about usurping your IT leader's role or replacing your entire IT department. It's not a sporadic, project-based engagement where an IT company provides limited support during an event and then departs, leaving your team to manage IT issues independently. Nor is it merely a network monitoring service that alerts you to problems without resolving them, leaving your IT department to scramble for solutions.

Instead, it's a flexible partnership where we tailor an array of ongoing services and software tools to meet the unique needs of your IT personnel or department. Our approach fills the gaps, supports their specific requirements, and delivers superior IT support and services at a significantly reduced cost.

Why Optimyze Co-Managed?

Why is Co-Managing and optimizing your IT department important? There are several benefits that it can bring such as:

Increased Helpdesk Efficiency

Optimizing your IT leads to a noticeable boost in workplace efficiency. This optimization minimizes errors, enabling swift project delivery and releases.

Easy Scalability

When IT services operate at their peak performance, your business functions as intended, ensuring sustained productivity and revenue. With Optimyze, we empower your business to consistently stay on course, facilitating exceptional growth and continuous improvement

Happy Internal Staff

Every company aspires to provide the best service to its employees. Optimal IT services play a pivotal role in enhancing your business's effectiveness. Operations run seamlessly, and staff IT needs are met with greater ease, ultimately leading to heightened satisfaction levels.


Ready to find out if Co-Managed is right for you?

Effectively managing IT resources can often be a source of frustration, yet it remains a crucial factor for sustaining your business's growth.

Enter co-managed IT, a solution designed to streamline resource management. With co-managed IT, you retain your in-house IT team while gaining access to specialized support from external technicians, all without adding them to your payroll.

The scope of co-managed IT services is entirely customizable to suit your business's specific needs. Whether it's bolstering cybersecurity, enhancing day-to-day operations, or addressing other specialized requirements, co-managed IT can be tailored to fit.

If your business exhibits the following characteristics, co-managed IT may be the right fit:

A desire for a blend of in-house and external IT expertise.

Unique, specialized IT demands.

Rapid business growth necessitating immediate IT staffing.

A need for continuous IT support and a sizable network requiring collaborative management.

Click here to have a chat with us and see if Co-Managed is the right fit for you.

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